It is hard to avoid a sense that something like justice, true justice, real justice, has been well served by the manner in which Tom DeLay has been laid low. Politics is a little cleaner today. Not a lot, maybe not even enough for folks to notice, but it is indeed just a little bit cleaner, now that he's gone.
-William Rivers Pitt
In the Details
Where truth is found
Did you hear his excuse for resigning?
He's blaming the Liberal Democrats.
For a party that believes in personal accountability - they sure are not accepting accountability.
Power corrupts!
Yeah...I saw him last night on Hardball. I wanted to throw up at his self righteous posturing - he's all about Jesus and the Liberal Democrats can't stomach what he stands for. Such bunk. The Repubs are very good at messaging. There IS a segment of the population who buys into that crap that the Right is all goodness and light and the left are all about Satan. The reality is that Tom DeLay is now free to use his campaign war chest of 1.2 million for his legal defense costs. He's going to need it.
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