Sunday, September 03, 2006

Today's Details

-State Sen Thomas H. Kean Jr., the Republican nominee for U. S. Senate in New Jersey, says he is so frustrated with the Bush administration’s handling of the war in Iraq that he is pushing for something that few Republicans have supported: the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. Mr. Kean said that he had become dissatisfied over the summer with what he said was Mr. Rumsfeld’s refusal to consider “competing points of view.” But what compelled him to advocate publicly for a “fresh face” leading the troops, were Mr. Rumsfeld’s recent remarks chiding critics of the war for “moral and intellectual confusion,” and comparing them to those who advocated appeasing Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. DETAILS

-Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami said Saturday that U.S. foreign policy triggers terrorism and violence in the world, but American Muslims can play a key role in promoting peace and security. "As America claims to be fighting terrorism, it implements policies that cause the intensification of terrorism and institutionalized violence," Khatami said. (DUHHHH!) DETAILS

-Facing the most difficult political environment since they took control of Congress in 1994, Republicans begin the final two months of the midterm campaign in growing danger of losing the House while fighting to preserve at best a slim majority in the Senate, according to strategists and officials in both parties. DETAILS

-Friends of Hillary Clinton have been whispering the unthinkable. Despite her status as the runaway frontrunner for the 2008 Democratic nomination for president, some of her closest advisers say she might opt out of the White House race and seek to lead her party in the Senate. (This has got to have the Republicans worried - they were so counting on having another election season NOT talking about issues and NOT talking about their miserable record. They thought all they'd have to do is demonize Hillary. ) DETAILS

-Tony Blair will be served notice to quit Downing Street at a meeting of the Cabinet next week when senior ministers plan to confront him over his refusal to commit to a departure timetable. One described Mr Blair this weekend as "deluded", while another said he was being "self-indulgent". They are among a growing number of cabinet ministers, some formerly loyal to Mr Blair, who have concluded he must leave office sooner rather than later if Labour is to have a chance of winning a fourth term. DETAILS

-An Army investigator has recommended that four soldiers accused of murder in a raid in Iraq should face the death penalty if conviceted, according to a report obtained Saturday by the Associated Press. Lt Col James P. Daniel, Jr. concluded that the slayings were premeditated and warranted the death sentence based on evidence he heard at an August hearing. The case will now be forwarded to Army officials, who will decide whether Daniel's recommendation should be followed. DETAILS


At Sunday, September 03, 2006 10:39:00 AM , Blogger Chuck said...

I still have to be hopeful that, with a net gain need of only six seats in the Senate, Democrats will re-gain control there.

I'm confident of the House- and even that (without the Senate) will sent the rove-bush-cheney terror team the message that they deserve.


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