Monday, June 19, 2006

U.S. troops in Iraq taken captive

A farmer claiming to have witnessed an attack on a U.S. military checkpoint said Sunday that insurgents swarmed the scene, killing the driver of a Humvee before taking two of his comrades captive. The U.S. military has only said the soldiers are missing.

U.S. troops, backed by helicopters and warplanes, fanned out across the "Triangle of Death" south of Baghdad searching for the missing servicemen. At least four raids had been carried out, but the captives were not found, the military said.

(I hope and pray that these men are safe and are found and returned to their families. I can't imagine what these families are going through right now. However, I fear that American's are about to get a rude awakening. I fear we will be forced to face what the Bush Administration has wrought with their unjust invasion, torture chambers, locking up foreigners endlessly without charges, and the killing of innocent Iraqi civilians. Those captive soldiers, I fear, are going to pay for all the atrocities committed in our name and with our blessing. We've sanctioned it because we haven't put a stop to it. We had a chance to in 2004 and we failed. I hope all of those who have supported, or have just 'gone along with' this administration's policies because of partisianship or lack of courage - have the stomach for what's coming as well as the shoulders to carry the blame. eaprez)



At Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:51:00 PM , Blogger Marty said...

My son's unit carried out raids in the town of Yusufiyah back in 2004. Eight soldiers were killed there in one battle and 13 wounded. Shoegazer's heavy armored until rolled in and saved the day. They kicked down every door in that town. All it did was piss the townspeople off. We really won the hearts and minds didn't we? When are people going to wake up? When is our congress going to wake up?

Not knowing where your child is has got to be the worse feeling of all.


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