Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Missing U.S. Soldiers Found Dead, Safavian GUILTY! & Japan Orders Withdraw of it's Troops From Iraq in Today's Details

-Two U.S. soldiers missing in Iraq for three days have been found dead, their bodies showing signs of "barbaric" torture, an Iraqi general said on Tuesday, after an intensive hunt involving thousands of troops. (GOD - they're just babies! They look like 15 year olds. Their poor, heartbroken families. ) DETAILS

-Earlier today, Republicans defeated a Democratic proposal for an investigation into waste and fraud in military contracts. The proposal, made by Senator Byron L. Dorgan of North Dakota, called for a panel like the one led by Harry Truman when he was a Senator, which uncovered many abuses in military spending during World War II. It failed by a 52-to-44 vote. (Why in the world would Repubs vote against this? Was it because there isn't a shred of evidence of waste, fraud or abuse? Was it because it was a Democratic proposal? Was it because the investigation would cost more than the BILLIONS of dollars unaccounted for? Come on --- put on your critical thinking hats and tell me why this proposal was defeated!) DETAILS

-A jury found former Bush administration official David Safavian guilty Tuesday of covering up his dealings with Republican influence-peddler Jack Abramoff. Safavian was convicted on four of five felony counts of lying and obstruction. He had resigned from his White House post last year as the federal government's chief procurement officer. (Game on!!!!!) DETAILS

-Dan Rather is leaving CBS after 44 years with the Tiffany Network. Sean McManus, president of CBS News and Sports, made the announcement. "Of all the famous names associated with CBS News, the biggest and brightest on the marquee are Murrow, Cronkite and Rather," McManus said. "With the utmost respect, we mark the extraordinary and singular role Dan has played in writing the script of not only CBS News, but of broadcast journalism." DETAILS

-Japan ordered the withdrawal of its ground troops from Iraq on Tuesday, declaring the humanitarian mission a success and ending a groundbreaking dispatch that tested the limits of its pacifist postwar constitution. DETAILS


At Wednesday, June 21, 2006 6:46:00 AM , Blogger Eli Blake said...

Those who mistreat prisoners who are unable to fight back are sadistic monsters.

That goes for everyone who mistreats prisoners of war.


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