Monday, January 02, 2006

Bush Defends Spy Program and Denies Misleading Public

President Bush continued on Sunday to defend both the legality and the necessity of the National Security Agency's domestic eavesdropping program, and he denied that he misled the public last year when he insisted that any government wiretap required a court order.

"I think most Americans understand the need to find out what the enemy's thinking, and that's what we're doing," Mr. Bush told reporters in San Antonio as he visited wounded soldiers at the Brooke Army Medical Center.

"They attacked us before, they'll attack us again if they can," he said. "And we're going to do everything we can to stop them."

Mr. Bush's strong defense of the N.S.A. program, which he authorized in 2002 to allow some domestic eavesdropping without court warrants, came as a leading Democratic lawmaker called on the administration to make available current and former high-level officials to explain the evolution of the secret program.


(Does anyone believe anything that comes out of this mans mouth? Is he even capable of differentiating fact from fiction and uttering truth? Even though he has been questioned by the press about the audio clip which I have provided for your listening pleasure --- he still stands up and denies misleading the public. If he wasn't misleading the public -- what the hell was he doing since the wire tapping program was running full throttle at the time he made those statements? I guess one could argue that he's correct --- he wasn't misleading the public --- misleading is a 'soft' word meaning to omit facts or to tell white lies in order to protect the audience from the full force of the truth. OK, I'll buy that. He did not mislead the public. HE LIED! eaprez)


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