'Impeachment' Talk, Pro and Con, Appears in Media at Last
Suddenly this week, scattered outposts in the media have started mentioning the “I” word, or at least the “IO” phrase: impeach or impeachable offense.
The sudden outbreak of anger or candor has been sparked by the uproar over revelations of a White House approved domestic spying program, with some conservatives joining in the shouting.
Ron Hutcheson, White House correspondent for Knight Ridder Newspapers (known as “Hutch” to the president), observed that "some legal experts asserted that Bush broke the law on a scale that could warrant his impeachment.” Indeed such talk from legal experts was common in print or on cable news.
Newsweek online noted a “chorus” of impeachment chat, and its Washington reporter, Howard Fineman, declared that Bush opponents are “calling him Nixon 2.0 and have already hauled forth no less an authority than John Dean to testify to the president’s dictatorial perfidy. The ‘I-word’ is out there, and, I predict, you are going to hear more of it next year — much more.”
You'll hear the chorus until everyone (I mean the liberal press) starts getting it shoved down their throats that their beloved President Clinton also did the same stuff. For instance, unwarranted searches like the one that got Aldrich Ames nabbed. And this was all accepted as kosher and endorsed by that lovely gal from the 9/11 commission, Jamie Gorelick, who stated the president has authority to resort to these measures. But, of course, that only applied to the Clinton years, right?
Also, what everyone will see once the screen is lifted is that running wire-taps is not what it used to be. It's all run through filters and routers, and in the case of terrorists, over satellite phones that have to be traced from origin. Keep trying though guys. Are you clamoring for an investigation into who leaked this (an actual national security matter), of course you're not. National security's not something that liberals are serious about, they just like to play politics with it.
Shame on anyone for suggesting that investigating wire taps is more important than consensual sex! If he did nothing wrong than there is nothing to fear from having hearings.
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