Living In The Twilight Zone
By EAPrez
I find my emotions today running the gamut of sadness, hopelessness, anger, disgust, disbelief and fear.
I am saddened by the events we see unfolding in our nation - and I am loosing hope that the people in power can or will be stopped. I fear for our nations future. I worry that our chance has passed and that we are witnessing the last gasps of democracy in our country. I am disgusted that so many people are apathetic and disinterested about the events going on. Some are ignorant of history and don’t understand the significance of this moment - others are married to a ‘party’ rather than the principles the country was founded on and others have their own agenda which they believe is of divine origin. Others are just plain shallow devoting their attention to mindless pursuits.
Sometimes I feel like I’m a character in the old Twilight Zone series. The world as I knew it now has a sense of ‘unreality’ about it. I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure I am awake. A few examples:
Currently, we have in power an administration who came into that power by means that at least 50% of us found “questionable”. A questionable election? In OUR country? Yet half the country became weary of the entire matter and told the rest of us to get over it. Now we find out --- that the conspiracy folks were right --- Deibold machines can be hacked and two Florida Counties have ended their love affair with Deibold. It is incomprehensible to me that after those recent revelations that ALL counties across America didn’t dump Deibold. Like I said, ‘unreality’.
I feel disbelief that the administration in power when told of the serious threat of terrorism decided to sit by, do nothing, and let it happen. Rather than question the chain of events surrounding the attack - our President was praised for being able to talk in complete sentences through a bullhorn and for ordering the no brainer attack on Afghanistan. This was not a moment of great leadership as has been portrayed. Anyone with half a brain would have minimally done what Bush did in the aftermath of 9/11. We are told over and over and over that this was the moment he became a great leader. I see this as the moment when the public and the media surrendered their power and became sheep like.
I feel disbelief that although there was overwhelming evidence to the contrary -- the citizens of this country were conned into supporting a war that was totally unnecessary. They voluntarily chose not to use their critical thinking skills and endorsed our president dropping bombs on a country that was not a threat. I am angry that the press has been slow to find and report the facts even though they were always out there to be found.
I feel disbelief because In my country we have people in charge who support torture and with a straight face legitimize it -OPENLY- while some of our citizens nod their heads in agreement. We have established secret prisons around the globe, our government kidnaps citizens of other nations, jails people without charges or representation - even our own citizens - we’ve established military tribunals - and now the revelation that the president has authorized wire tapping. Good God what has become of us? Where will it end?
After Katrina hit the gulf coast we became aware of how ill prepared the government is for a catastrophic event. We’ve heard in the media since then just how little this administration has done to prevent another attack. That we aren’t as safe as the president states.
I fear another catastrophic event is in our future - the near future. Kerry indicated in the presidential campaign that his biggest concern would be the nuclear weapons in Russia -- yet this administration is doing nothing about them. A nuclear detonation would be much more catastrophic than a category five hurricane. An event like that will be just what this administration ordered to facilitate the dismantling of our government and to secure their perpetual power. What’s even more frightening is that a significant number of the population will go along with it - convinced that its the only way they can be protected.
Yes, I’m very sad today.
And you can be sure that if/when there is a nuclear attack, rather than asking any tough questions about Russian nukes, or about why we only inspect 2% of cargo containers coming in, they will instead point fingers at the left and claim it had something to do with our questioning the use of 'warrantless surveillance.'
I know it seems like a long, hard process, but I honestly feel more and more people ARE waking up and daring to ask questions.
With the 2006 elections drawing closer, even many Republicans are trying to distance themselves from Bush and his policies.
Keep speaking out. It DOES make a difference.
Very nicely said!
And to think I was in the conspiracy "fringe" in 2000 and 2004. Now I'm becoming majority. Well huh...
Too late anyway. Severe damage has been done that will take decades to undo- if they ever can be.
With the mad "cowboy" at the helm we're racing full tilt into the $8.18 TRILLION debt cap that congress imposed on the (MIS)administration. What happens then? Our military needs more money for invasion, occupation and killing ya know.
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