Saturday, January 13, 2007

Lies, Lies and More Lies

By EAPrez

The President's weekly radio address focused on his new plan to achieve victory in Iraq. True to form - he once again stated things which are factually incorrect. So glaringly incorrect, that anyone listening would conclude one of two things. Either he believes those listening are all stupid - or he is so completely disconnected from reality that keeping him at the helm puts us all in danger. This is what he said:

"Members of Congress have a right to express their views, and express them forcefully. But those who refuse to give this plan a chance to work have an obligation to offer an alternative that has a better chance for success. To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible."

Excuse me for letting the facts get in the way of the president's unreality but George W. Bush would be the THE Commander in Chief. Congress has no obligation to figure a way out of this mess nor are they obligated to support more of the same madness. It is the president's obligation to get us out of this mess. He lied us into this unneccessary war and he, and he alone is the one with the obligations. This is the fifth plan put forth by the President for success in Iraq. What of the past four plans the president has implemented? All failures. Every single one of them. No one believes this new plan will bring us anything other than more dead American soldiers. The president has an obligation to put aside his own ego and consider that perhaps his policies are failures and then to take real, meaningful corrective action.

Secondly, his suggestion that the democrats have proposed nothing is a bold faced lie. Ever hear of John Murtha?


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