Monday, September 25, 2006

Women and children slaughtered in Baghdad

Freedom is on the march in Iraq. As much as it pains me to say this - I don't think American's as a whole really care about the Iraqi's and what they endure as a result of this unjust war. An average of 100 a day are killed and we are mostly silent. No wonder we are unphased by a president advocating for torture. We don't much care about anything except what goes on in our own narrow little worlds. As long as we have football on the tube and our new fall primetime television line-up all is right with the world. The fact that Iraqi's have to be in fear for their lives every time they venture out for food is of little consequence to us. We are apathetic and lacking in passion for anything other than the superficial. Imagine a world where running out for a burger resulted in your car being blown up with you in it. Gee, all those french fries gone to waste! A world where your wife and daughter burned to death while browsing the latest titles at Blockbuster. We bitch and moan whenever we have to endure the inconveniences of $3 gasoline or a few days without electricity --- but it's nothing - NOTHING compared to what these people are going through because of us.....and most of us could care less.

A fiery explosion tore through a line of people waiting to buy fuel Saturday and killed at least 38 people, mainly women and children, continuing the wave of tit-for-tat sectarian killings that have defied U.S. efforts to stanch the bloodshed.

The horrific blast sent women engulfed in flames screaming through the streets. Two preteen girls embraced each other as they burned to death, witnesses said. Later, wailing mourners thronged the scene of the blast, which was strewn with the shoes of victims and a woman's bloodied cloak, and voiced doubt that the reprisal violence would ever end.


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