Sunday, October 01, 2006


"It's hard to ask Bush to do things in the middle of this election season."


There it is, folks. We have an empty suit occupying the oval office allowing political strategists to run the Iraqi War. Our troops (who suffer an attack every 15 minutes) can't get additional help until after the November elections. Sit tight guys and gals - we'll worry about your lives AFTER we secure our power.

This arrogant self righteous pompous bastard Kristol has the gall to sit in the safety of a television studio and declare Bush can't send in more troops because its an election season and the debate on Iraq is 'POISONOUS'?

Why is the debate POISONOUS Bill? Iraq is a mess created by a Republican Administration. The Republican party has made the discussion poisonous by portraying those who object to this administrations policies as Nazi appeasers who want the terrorists to win. It's poisonous because your side will not permit any debate on the issues - it's either your way or the highway. It's poisonous because whenever missteps are pointed out rather than make corrections you defend and deny. Our troops are left to sit and die because they can't get the resources they need because of a poisonous political atmosphere that might affect an election. Well then, I think the blood of our soldiers MUST lie at the feet of the Republican party.

This is nothing less than an outrage. America's sons and daughters are over there loosing their lives in a mess created by policies this ass had a part in creating and I for one would like to smack that smirk right off of his face. Bastard!


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