Monday, May 15, 2006

Bush seeks 5,000 Guard troops on border

President Bush on Monday will call for deploying 5,000 National Guard troops along the border with Mexico in support of Border Patrol efforts to keep out illegal immigrants, a senior White House source told NBC News.

The idea is to commit the troops for two years or until enough Border Patrol officers are recruited and trained to fill the gap, the source said ahead of Bush’s speech to the nation at 8 p.m. ET.



At Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:36:00 PM , Blogger EAPrez said...

Wow- far be it from me to have an opionion! :) There's a lot under the surface that's not being discussed. Lets start with the speech. There wouldn't have been a speech last night if Bush's poll #'s weren't in the toilet. He hasn't just lost the dems and the independents - he's now loosing support amongst his base. The speech was an effort to salvage them - throw them a bone. I think he failed. What are the troops for? To protect the border? Five years after 9/11 and this "keep American's safe" president has just now realized there are people pouring over the border? Hmmm 5 months before an election and he decides to devote attention to the border. This is more about elections than security. This president has shown time and time again that he doesn't take homeland security seriously. His plan for security is slogans and repetition - "repeat the slogans over and over". Also - what the hell are 5000 unarmed troops going to accomplish? It's going to cost a lot of money and accomplish little. Money we don't have. What tax break is he going to give up to fund this? Then again spending 'OUR' money has never been a concern of this president. Republican God Ronald Regan signed an amnesty bill in 1986 when there were an est 6 million illegals in the United States. That bill also included sanctions against businesses who hire illegals. That was also a big show for his people because sanctions were never enforced. Since circumstances for Mexicans have worsened over the years the number crossing the border has increased - --- duhhhhhhh.
If the president was serious - he'd put his foot up Fox's ass and get a regime change in THAT country. He'd secure the southern border and enforce stiff penalties against his business buddies for hiring illegals. Those that are here - I'm all for letting them stay. That way they'll be documented. If they are documented and granted citizenship it will help american wages. Guest worker programs harm the middle class and I oppose exploiting the underclass - which a guest worker program does.


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