Thursday, January 05, 2006

Save The Court

The first week of 2006 begins the fight of our lives -- senators are returning to Washington to prepare for hearings on Samuel Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court.

As President Bush boldly vows to continue spying on American citizens, your senators will choose whether to replace Sandra Day O'Connor with a man who has repeatedly sanctioned the abuse of executive power. They will confront Samuel Alito's record of consistently favoring powerful entities such as corporations, the government, and law enforcement over individual rights. And they will learn more about Samuel Alito's career as a judicial activist working to roll back civil rights, religious liberty, environmental protections, and reproductive rights.

The hearings can make or break this nomination, and, as PFAW's National Field Director, I can tell you that organized public reaction to the proceedings can influence how senators will ultimately vote. And senators listen most to their own constituents. PFAW's field team and our coalition allies throughout the fifty states are organizing rallies, town-hall meetings, and press conferences to make sure senators know their constituents care about how they vote on Alito.

Today we launch the next phase of our field campaign to defeat Alito, which can only succeed if you step up. Over eighty-five events are planned for the next two weeks from coast to coast -- and more are being planned every day. In fact, there are so many opportunities for you to get involved that your inbox would be flooded with email if we tried to notify you of each one separately. So I'm writing to let you know about our new webtool to keep you in the loop on what's going on in your state: the Stop Alito State Headquarters.

We kick off the field campaign today in Philadelphia, where we will join our coalition partners to present Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter with more than one million signatures opposing Alito. As the hearings begin next week, rallies will be underway in California and Illinois. Our phonebanks in our New York and Washington offices will be poised to respond to breaking news throughout the hearings. Check in regularly to find out what's going on near you.

When the hearings begin next week, we'll keep you informed of events as they unfold with our online Alito Hearing Updates. We'll also contact you online to let you know how you can most effectively communicate with your senators to affect the hearings' course.

Senators have shown a new willingness to stand up to the President when the American people demand it with their recent filibuster of the PATRIOT Act and their insistence on the inclusion of anti-torture provisions in the Department of Defense Appropriations bill. There has never been a more important time to get involved to save the Supreme Court -- generations of social justice progress could be undone if the Senate votes to confirm Samuel Alito.

Please visit the Stop Alito State Headquarters to find out how you can get involved.

You are the most important ingredient in our success -- thanks for all your work.

Kimberly Robson
National Field Director

P.S. Our campaign to stop Alito is now at full force. Your contribution of $50 helps us put ads on the air, organizers on the ground, and constituents in touch with their senators throughout the hearings. Help us stop Alito now!


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