Monday, January 09, 2006

Our Incompetent Commander-in-ChieF

By Michael T. Klare

President Bush has lost the support of most Americans when it comes to the economy, the environment, and the war in Iraq, but he continues to enjoy majority support in one key area: his handling of the war on terrorism. Indeed, many analysts believe that Bush won the 2004 election largely because swing voters concluded that he would do a better job at this than John Kerry. In fact, with his overall opinion-poll approval ratings so low, Bush's purported proficiency in fighting terror represents something close to his last claim to public legitimacy. But has he truly been effective in combating terror? As the war on terrorism drags on -- with no signs of victory in sight -- there are good reasons to doubt his competency at this, the most critical of all his presidential responsibilities.



At Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:09:00 AM , Blogger Chuck said...

I didn't click on the full story EAPREZ, but I can tell you that I think bush has single-handedly created more terrorists than anyone else in the history of this planet.

At Tuesday, January 10, 2006 6:16:00 AM , Blogger EAPrez said...

Oh I agree - the idea that they hate us because of our freedom is so ridiculous. They hate us because of our policies.


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