Sunday, January 08, 2006

Alito seen surviving tough confirmation hearing

U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito begins his Senate confirmation hearing on Monday, facing tough questions on matters from civil liberties and presidential war powers to his own opposition to abortion.

With the direction of the nation's highest court at stake, lawmakers in both parties on the Senate Judiciary Committee are expected to challenge President George W. Bush's conservative nominee on his legal record and beliefs.

Yet barring an unforeseen bombshell or bumbling performance, the full Republican-led Senate later this month is expected to confirm Alito, a federal appeals judge since 1990 who previously served as a U.S. prosecutor and Reagan administration lawyer.



At Sunday, January 08, 2006 4:48:00 PM , Blogger Chuck said...

I hit this one a few minutes ago on my blog, with a bit of an attitude. I can't help it. These CROOKS have a very scary game plan and our children & grandchildren are going to pay a bigger price than we are. Mark my words.

I appreciate all your efforts EAPREZ!


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