Monday, December 19, 2005

Nothing New From the President

Pressing a broad and vigorous defense of the war in Iraq, President Bush told the nation tonight that while the recent elections in Iraq will not end violence there, they do send a clear message to terrorists who "feel a tightening noose - and fear the rise of a democratic Iraq."

Amid rising tensions in Congress over the war and antiterrorism measures at home, and amid indications of declining public support, the president chose to deliver his televised address from the Oval Office, the first speech from that venue since he announced in March 2003 that he had ordered the invasion of Iraq.

Mr. Bush did not cover significant new ground, but rather used the prime-time television slot and the backdrop of the Oval Office for a summation of the arguments he has advanced in three recent addresses defending and explaining his policies.

The president, mindful that "many Americans have questions about the cost and direction of this war," argued that it is far too early to abandon hopes for the emergence of a stable and peaceful Iraqi democracy, one that would be "an ally of growing strength."


(Come on - fess up - were any of you who watched this really expecting anything new? I guess there's always hope, but this President has shown us time and time again that he has no intention of doing anything differently unless its politically expedient to do so.....which is exactly why the White House launched the Speech-of-the-Week Tour. Poll numbers have made them realize they'd better try to convince us that even though they have mismanaged this from the moment it was some neocon wet dream --- its still worth our blood, sweat and toil to stay the course. Prior to the poll numbers tanking they didn't feel the need to explain anything to anyone. Now, they can't explain enough. However, the only thing that differentiates one speech from the other is the scenery. At least this time he didn't use men and women in uniform as a back drop. Now THAT part was different. eaprez)


At Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:20:00 PM , Blogger Marty said...

It's ok to disagree with him, unless you're what he calls a "defeatest". I'm sure that those who love him, love him even more after tonight. But for me it was the same ole same ole that I'm getting tired of hearing.

At Monday, December 19, 2005 2:06:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes I can't help but feel that he keeps insisting that we "stay the course" because he doesn't have a clue as to what to do otherwise. He has no exit plan. He has no plan at all really and is just marking time. His only objective was to get rid of Saddam Hussein--and that for personal reasons--and when that happened he sophmorically declared, "Mission Accomplished!"

Well, he suddenly found out that real war is NOT a thirty-minute sitcom. He suddenly found out that he'd only taken the first minor step...

He has no idea of what he's doing, but he can't admit he made a mistake, so all we keep hearing again and again is "Stay the course," while our soldiers die and money which could be much better spent is immorally wasted.


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