Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ann Coulter to audience: You're stupider than I am

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter cut short a speech at the University of Connecticut amid boos and jeers, and decided to hold a question-and-answer session instead.

"I love to engage in repartee with people who are stupider than I am," Coulter told the crowd of 2,600 Wednesday.

Before cutting off her speech after about 15 minutes, Coulter called Bill Clinton an "executive buffoon" who won the presidency only because Ross Perot took 19 percent of the vote.

Coulter's appearance prompted protests from several student groups. About 100 people rallied outside the auditorium where she spoke, saying she spread a message of intolerance.



At Thursday, December 08, 2005 4:09:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The headline is misleading, and the AP story leaves out many things that occurred. First of all, Coulter didn't make that statement about the audience being stupid until after they had threw a ton of insults at her, repeatedly screamed out "you suck", compared her to Hitler and Saddam Hussein, and interrupted her speech for about 10 minutes with a medley of songs starting off with "Kyle's mom's a bitch". The audience was extremely rude and childish. The liberals on campus did everything in their power to restrict Coulter's freedom of speech. Then, when she gave them the opportunity to come out of the shadows and ask her a question face to face, the majority just used the opportunity to insult her some more and very few actually had questions.

UConn students should be embarrassed at their behavior.

At Thursday, December 08, 2005 5:53:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The headline is NOT misleading - that is what she said. The headline is designed to get one to read the rest of the story which does explain the context of her comments.


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