Thursday, November 10, 2005

Support an Oil-Free Future and Tell Ford Motor Company to Quit their Oil Addiction

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its long overdue 2005 fuel economy report, and yet again, Ford Motor Company is in last place. Ford's cars, trucks and SUVs still have the lowest average gas mileage of any automaker in America. The EPA report points out the obvious: fuel economy is directly related to rising gas prices caused by peak oil and global warming pollution caused by tailpipe emissions. Ford's competitors GM, Toyota and Honda posted modest gains in fuel economy. Toyota has set a goal for 25 percent of its U.S. sales to be hybrid vehicles by 2010. As Bill Ford Jr. continues to ignore industry advancements, Toyota USA CEO Jim Press has called automotive leaders to a summit to craft a new vision for better fuel economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in vehicles nationwide. Will Bill Ford Jr. be attending?

To add your name to petition to Ford click here.


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